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Focusing on Beantown

Let's face it... I'm drawn (pardon the pun) to Boston athletes as subjects. It was that way when I first started drawing as a kid, and it seems to still be the case. Might as well accept it.

So, with that in mind, I'm rebranding as and will be leaning in to my fondness for all things Beantown. That's not to say that I won't continue to look outside of New England when the inspiration to do so strikes, but going forward the majority of my work will focus on Boston sports, unapologetically.

I plan on working on a new logo for over the next few weeks and will be making some tweaks to the website to reflect this new focus... and then eventually I'll retire altogether. For now, I own both domain names and they both direct users to this site. I hope narrowing my focus will improve both my art and my traffic. Know a Boston sports fan who's never visited this site before? I'd really appreciate it if you'd send them this way. Even if they're not in the market for something to hang on their wall, they'll hopefully enjoy poking around for a while.

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